Published at 31 January 2022

Can spending time outdoors treat stress and anxiety?

Will doctors one day prescribe nature walks instead of pills? That may start happening sooner than you think.

There’s a growing body of scientific evidence that demonstrates the benefits of nature, including its impact on stress and anxiety.

That’s what a team of researchers at the Montreal Heart Institute (MHI) has observed. Under the direction of Professor Louis Bherer, the team conducted a review of the scientific literature on this topic.

What are the benefits of spending time outdoors in nature?

According to the report, the list of benefits of spending time in nature is a long one. It’s good for your health, both physical and mental.

1. The physiological benefits include:
  • a reduction in cortisol levels (a stress indicator),
  • slower heart rate, and
  • lower blood pressure.
2. The psychological benefits can lead to:  
  • a decrease in depression and negative emotions,
  • increased energy levels,
  • significant reduction in anxiety, and
  • improvements in mood.
3. The cognitive benefits can cause: 
  • improvement in cognitive function,
  • improved ability to focus and pay attention, and
  • A reduction in mental fatigue and confusion.
One of the best things you can do is spend time outside 

The good news? You don’t have to go very far. Your neighbourhood park is all you need to reap the benefits, and it’s free!